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Automated precision measuring
XACTOOLS® is synonymous with professional solutions and components in automation and metrology. As a customer, you can gain from our extensive wealth of experience as we and you join forces to achieve solutions which are optimal for you.

Automation solutions

Tried and tested solutions are your guarantee of cost-effectiveness and reliability. We have been familiar with 100% inspection for many years as standard in the automotive industry. But this level of quality is also increasingly taken as granted in many other industries. Defect-free products help you achieve satisfied customers - your competitive advantage.

As required by our customers, our machines can undertake the following fully automated work processes as part of a series or completely stand-alone  - and in any sequence:

Feeding, measuring, palletising

Measurement and testing technology

We offer extensive experience in the field of measurement and testing technology. Whether conventional metrology, pneumatic or tactile measurement (RLC), XACTOOLS® will work with you to develop the optimal solution. You will benefit from our sophisticated software which we will program in line with your requirements. In every case you will receive an interface which is custom-made for your particular application.