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XACTOOLS® is synonymous with professional solutions and components in automation and metrology. As a customer, you can gain from our extensive wealth of experience as we jointly achieve the solutions which are optimal for you.

This is important to us

We are one of Germany's famous "Mittelstand" or medium sized companies and are located in the south-west of the country. We at XACTOOLS® feel we are bound by a company philosophy which is dedicated to performance and quality. We set great store by classic virtues such as fairness, trust and openness. We work continuously to develop our staff, products and customer relationships, placing quality at the centre of everything we do.

Professional solutions

Customer orientation

For XACTOOLS®, service means being available to you at all times. We greatly value your requirements and will always support you with customised advice, short service times and person-to-person customer focus.


Our staff are the foundation stone of our success. Based on this fact, at XACTOOLS® we foster an informal corporate culture in which the ideas and suggestions of our staff always find a hearing. The result is that we set shared goals, all pulling together with exceptional commitment.


XACTOOLS® – exact tools - the name says it all! We will join with you to develop the optimal solution for your project. A high-grade item of equipment, customised to meet your needs and optimised to fit your workflows, is the success which motivates us.