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XACTOOLS® is synonymous with professional solutions and components in automation and metrology. As a customer, you can gain from our extensive wealth of experience as we jointly achieve the solutions which are optimal for you.

Our wish is to support

As a company, we feel that we are not only obligated to our business partners and staff but also that we are under an obligation to society. XACTOOLS® is therefore involved with regional, national and international events and organisations.

Ugandan School Project

In our modern era a life without electricity, water and enough to eat would be almost unimaginable. But this is what life is like for most people in Uganda. Education is also lacking - and therefore no means of self help. This is where we come in with our Ugandan School Project

We equipped the new school building built by the organisation "Ich helfe Dir" (I Help You) in the village of Kanyamukare with solar panels so that the community could be sure of a sustainable power supply. An emergency power supply was also created so that better medical treatment was available for children, for example. The goal of this is initiative to enable the children to have access to education at an early age and so improve their chances of a better and more independent life.