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Automated precision measuring
XACTOOLS® is synonymous with professional solutions and components in automation and metrology. As a customer, you can gain from our extensive wealth of experience as we and you join forces to achieve solutions which are optimal for you.

1. Feeding

1. Feeding
1. Feeding

Is it intended that your product should be measured, tested, moved or packaged at some point during or at the end of the manufacturing chain?

With solutions such as:

  • robotics (pick & place) or
  • vibratory bowl feeder (on linear feeders or feed conveyors)

we will put your products on the right track. And, with optional position detection, your product will reach exactly the destination you require.

2. Measuring

2. Measuring
2. Measuring

If you are looking for precision quality control before you deliver to your customer, we offer the following testing and measuring solutions which you can select and combine to meet your requirements:

  • Material testing (e.g. hardness, cracks, residual magnetism)
  • Tactile measurement (e.g. length, diameter, concentricity, damage)
  • Optical testing (e.g. length, diameter, concentricity, damage)
  • Pneumatic measurement (e.g. leak-tightness and diameter)

3. Palletising

3. Palletising
3. Palletising

Do you have a special customer packaging or carrier base for the next manufacturing step and you want to avoid manual packaging or loading?

We will then collaborate with you to create an automated solution which meets your requirements in all respects.